are here to teach the Universes. Be aware of manipulations!
Be calm. Let Wisdom guide thee and everything
will come to pass that is supposed to. That is
what your Spirit is saying to thee. And your dream
about Classmates coming forth, who will be greater,
closer friendships that you will endear in this
Period of Time of Life, thru your advancement
of yourself working with other peoples to teach
them of the Higher Self.
You will
go forth and you will lecture and you will teach.
It is important at this time. You could be teaching
different kinds of peoples of different languages.
Would you not express this? Maybe in time...International.
Master Jesus
comes thru thee at this time. He is with thee
at all times. It is time to prepare yourself for
traveling. You make your own Contract in this
Lifetime of what thee wish to do. Whatever it
is that thee wish to do, your first priority ,
primary purpose is to teach and bring Love upon
the Earth Plane.
You bring
the Greater Knowledge to yourself for the benefit
of others, and you give it to them freely with
Love and Dignity. It is for this purpose that
they have been giving to thee Symbols which are
not difficult to figure out.
A voice spoke to me and said: “We will have to
get World Global Express into your Garden somehow.”
Does this mean that it needs to grow and if so,
how can I get it to grow more?”
“Of course! By putting the right people into order
that wishes to volunteer time to express the ‘World
Global Express’ and send it worldwide into different
ways and areas, using much of the Internet to
do it with. You do not have time to do it yourself.
You only direct it. It is not a web site we are
speaking of. We are talking about the Wisdom and
Knowledge you have gathered together of this Time,
putting I, Ashlem’s knowledge I have given to
thee and others, your teacher and Master, Jesus
Sananda, who is sitting here with I, to understand
of this Time. It is Time to begin to GROW! World
Global Express encompasses all of the information
that you have. Listen to your Greater Consciousness.
This is a venue of Life that comes forth at this
Jesus and
Mary come that you may understand the works
of it. Many things have to come forth yet upon
the Earth Plane. The Dragons have come forth
to spit their fire upon the Earth; yet the waters
have come forth to quell the Dragon. I give
to thee, this sign of Peace, my Covenant unto
thee… (Circle of God) Walk into the Light!”